I’ve been looking for a free Reddit alternative and preferably one that was federated. I’m not really sure how federation works with this though. A lot of similar sites are just personal projects that people made as a hobby that lack a lot of important features or the interface was really ugly.

I haven’t seen how to moderate communities though but the Github page says this can be done, which I consider important since I want moderation to be done by communities and users rather then admins. If there’s a quarantine feature similar to Reddit that would be useful too so I don’t just have to ban communities.

  • @Liwott
    13 years ago

    I think I pretty much inderstand you now. The point of my 2-item list was to draw a line between “communities submitted to the meta community” (which I also referred to as post in that part), and the ones who are actually part of the meta. I was thinking “cutoff” rather than “weight for appearance in the feed”, but the latter is also interesting !