So, what’s up with gaming in china? Like, why does China need its own edition of foreign games? What’s wrong with Chinese players get access to the rest of the world’s version of Minecraft or Roblox? Like why does ChinaBlox always add a parachute to ur player model when ever you fall over X amount of distance, and then puts up a message saying dOn’T dO tHiS iN rEaL lIfE. Yeah, people already get that. You don’t always need to hold the gamer’s hand. Also, Tencent is against teenagers gaming for more than 2 hrs on end. Ppl should just let teenagers play VIDEO GAMES (although that might just be Tencent’s problem, not the CCP’s.) Another thing is, that apparently ChinaBlox has really strict rules for some reason…

TL;DR: China should embrace gaming culture rather than going against it.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    103 years ago

    The only thing I’ll add, is a reinforcement to what Critical Resist mentioned; every market has different restrictions, and AAA games are different in each market. And, usually, the changes are either to comply with censorship laws, or to make the game more palatable to a different audience. In the US market, you can show swastikas, extreme violence, illegal activities, swearing, and nudity without being removed from the shelves. The game will have an 18+ rating (or M for Mature, if not A for Adult) and be restricted in some cases, but it won’t be censored too heavily for those things. But, on the US market, if you wanted to make the protagonist an anti-American terrorist who regularly performs war crimes against Americans, the game will absolutely be banned without question.

    In Germany you can’t show swastikas and violence is censored, in Australia games can be outright banned if they centre around violence or illegal activities. Censorship in video games isn’t uncommon, and the biggest censors of them happen to be westerners.

    Bones carry a cultural significance in China, so they’re considered “too edgy” for a mainstream audience, which is why skeletons were replaced with tombstones in WoW. Hong Kong has a rampant suicide problem, where people are jumping off buildings, hence you’ll find games (like Roblox) that add censorship to falls that would normally kill a person.

    So like, so the fuck what if China censors games? they’re not the only ones doing it, and their censorship isn’t the worst of it. The same goes with the "China Cut"s of movies, the Chinese market is a massive one, and Chinese audiences don’t like watching films with a western bias… so they’re reshot to star Asian actors, and to share Chinese values. But, of course, the only people who are upset about the “China Cut” are western bros who genuinely think the CPC is 1984-ing Chinese citizens.

    • The Free PenguinOP
      33 years ago

      In my hypothetical socialist state, there would only be 2 rules

      • Your game must not be fascist propaganda
      • Your game must not spread disinformation.
    • @pinknoise
      23 years ago

      In Germany you can’t show swastikas and violence is censored

      Both isn’t really true anymore (for videogames), there is still (effectively) mandatory age restriction though.

    • The Free PenguinOP
      03 years ago

      Imagine if someone decides to release Undertale in China