• @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    54 months ago

    Yes, but neoliberal shock therapy is not gonna make it better. If you look at history of neoliberalism, it made everything worse every single time.

    • Skua
      54 months ago

      It looks like I actually replied to the wrong person accidentally. I had meant to post that under Virkkunen’s comment rather yours. I do agree with you though

    • HobbitFoot
      -34 months ago

      But what is going to make it better?

      The problem is that the election was between Captain Anachrocapitalism and a continuation of Peronist policies which included a lot of government intervention.

      He was won because he ran against everything the government represented.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        24 months ago

        But what is going to make it better?

        Maybe organizing workers into political representation. I know it’s not easy, but desperate voting for a fucking ancap just to get a change from bad to much worse is not it, unless someone is accelerationist.