• @Moonrise2473
    665 months ago

    The problem is people got the idea that they need a 3 ton truck to do grocery shopping

    • @MalachaiConstant@lemmy.world
      105 months ago

      Sure maybe a mega SUV as a daily driver is not right for everyone, but I just can’t live without the extra leg room and riot protection!

      • @Droechai@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Riot control vehicle lpt :If you just fill the water cannon tank to half full instead of topping up you save quite a lot over time due to reduced litre/km consumption

    • @Cerise_W@lemmy.world
      85 months ago

      Emission laws made big trucks easier to produce than small trucks in the US, I miss the days of the short bed pickup. Still like my 98 taco and use it for hauling hay.

      • @Moonrise2473
        45 months ago

        My supermarket does this: if you go shopping with public transport, then you can ask the cashier to have someone deliver the just purchased groceries to your house for 5 euro

      • @thoughts3rased@sopuli.xyz
        5 months ago

        Not really, if you’re doing your weekly shop all in one go (especially for a family), it can make sense that your weekly shop can be more than you can carry and thus you need something to help you carry it. I wouldn’t want to lug 4-5 bags of shopping onto a bus where I’m going to piss someone off because I placed them on the seat, nor do I want to try to balance all that on the handlebars of a bike where a single fuckup or pothole I can’t see will lose me lots of money in shopping.

        I don’t personally do those sorts of large shops, but people are busy and literally schedule this in their week so it’s not insane.

        Or hey, maybe more people could shop online? With well planned routes it could be more efficient than lots of people all travelling to one place.

        • @mondoman712
          25 months ago

          If you live in a dense area with more local shops, you’ll probably be doing more frequent, smaller shops throughout the week.

        • Elise
          14 months ago

          What about one of those carts you can hook up to your bike? I asked around once and heard it can carry 50 kg.

    • Elise
      14 months ago

      I used to have this handcart and it could easily carry enough groceries for 3 people for 1 week. We’d put stuff directly inside at the counter and then empty it in the kitchen, then fold it up for storage. It was maybe 100 euros? And of course you could also use it for picnics or shopping for other things.

      For heavy stuff we’d use delivery or a lasttaxi. Basically a taxi for carrying heavier things.