• davelA
      9 months ago

      a commie failing to understand how a bad economy screws everyone in it, shocking.

      Marxists are not confused about economics, as evidenced by their namesake, Karl Marx.

      You know who is confused about economics? Most Americans, because neoclassical/neoliberal economics are complete shite.

      forced incarceration!!!

      • What country has more incarceration than the US? None by a long shot.
      • Yes, China incarcerated people from terrorist cells that were setting off bombs & fires & assassinations & abductions in Xinjiang. What country wouldn’t?
      • Credible evidence of forced sterilization has yet to be presented. And it’s not going to be, because it’s pure American propaganda.
        • davelA
          9 months ago

          all happened to be of the same ethnic group and in the millions, how convenient

          Yeah, terrorist groups have sometimes been known to form in that manner, or have you forgotten America’s War on Terror?

          People were not incarcerated in the millions, not by a loooooong shot. Nor were there millions of terrorists. The CIA/NED can only prop up so many nutjobs. Where are the satellite photos of these prisons holding Gazan-numbers of prisoners? There aren’t any. Has Bell¿ncat been asleep on the job? Anyone can travel there and see for themselves, and talk to the Uyghurs themselves, and see that this is all bullshit.

          mutilated genitals just randomly occur then, dumbass

          Where’s the evidence of the Chinese government mutilating genitals, dumbass. There isn’t any, and there never will be. There is a history of it in some Muslim groups, however. Note that I’m not saying that any Muslim groups in Xinjiang have a history of it; it’s simply not something I’m knowledgeable of.