This is pretty scary because Google is a privacy invasive company so I don’t think you should trust them with something as identifiable as a vaccine card

  • @Slatlun
    33 years ago

    My vaccine card only has my name (not even my full legal name) and dates of vaccines on it. Is that different in different places? Google already has those from any google user who arranged their vaccination on the internet.

    The bigger new invasion that I see here is that they will be able to see when, where, and who you share your card with.

    Also, in the article they promise your data won’t be used for ads, so no need to worry ;)

    • m-p{3}
      3 years ago

      In Quebec we have a QR Code based on the SmartHealthCard standard that is digitally signed by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux with your vaccine info along with your name, birth date and some other details.

      That way, someone can’t just falsify their immunization record by modifying the QR code and putting their info without breaking the digital signature.

      Someone made a simple scanner to read the data here, but AFAIK the public key to validate the signature isn’t yet available.