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A screenshot of a file manager preview window for my ~/.cache folder, which takes up 164.3 GiB and has 246,049 files and 15,126 folders. The folder was first created about 1.75 years ago with my system

  • glibg10b
    7 months ago

    Neat, thanks for sharing

    Here’s the above pseudocode in bash:

    find /home/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec mount none {}/.cache/ -t tmpfs -o size=16G \;

    for doesn’t work here because it uses spaces to delimit strings, which could cause issues with filenames that contain spaces

    You can also create a systemd user service, which is useful if you don’t have root access. The above mount command requires root, but the following doesn’t and is more robust than symlinking to /tmp/:

    ln -s $(mktemp -dp /var/tmp/) ~/.config/