Today I upgraded my pmOS on pinephone after many months of not doing so. Everything is fine except my modem no longer works. Seems fine in dmesg, but nmcli d shows the network device as “unavailable” and mmcli -L shows either no modem or shows modem of unknown manufacturer, so not detecting the modem correctly.

If I boot into the postmarketOS on my emmc (the one that came with the device, it is postmarketOS CE and I always boot sdcard) then the modem works, so not a hardware issue.

Any ideas what I should try? Some package I should reinstall or reconfigure or similar?

  • singpolymaOP
    4 years ago

    I honestly put it on the sdcard when I got the device just to play around and always sort of intended to flash emmc and just have never got around to it. Maybe I should though. I guess now that sxmo is just part of pmOS (and has been for ages) I don’t probably have to flash anything, just install sxmo and copy my homedir.