In anticipation of Lemmy’s upcoming 0.19 release, and to work out any final issues, we’re going to deploy a test release on within the next few days.

We’re doing this testing on only, so that we can encounter any issues before the release, and to make sure the upgrade process is smooth for other production servers.

Some of the following will happen during the process:

  • Apps will likely break (only for
  • may experience some downtime for the upgrade to complete (ideally no more than an hour).
  • If anything goes wrong, we may have to restore from a database backup, meaning content made in between backups may be lost.

If all goes well, we’ll have an official announcement for the release after this testing period.

I apologize for the difficulties this might cause. At most this will be a week of hair-pulling, but its vital that we catch any issues before telling other servers to upgrade.

  • @pr06lefs
    26 months ago

    I’m using the Liftoff app, which is broked.

    On the main page it says “Something went wrong” and has a Try Again button which leads back to the same failure.

    On my user profile under settings it says:

    Error: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'int' in type cast

    • @nutomicMA
      6 months ago

      Please report such problems to the developers so they can fix them.