Just a general question. outside of, err… freedom. what benefits for let’s say, a game developer or gamers alike from an open source game?

  • @Ghast
    33 years ago

    I never fully understood anti-cheat. If I want to play a game of chess with friends, and then we switch up the rules, that’s nobody else’s business.

    I’m no gamer, so I may be talking nonsense, but it seems to me anti-cheat is best handled like any other federation - you make the protocol open (including open to cheaters), then allow people to form communities which they can gatekeep as they please. I’d like the ability to play with anyone, and define for myself what counts as ‘cheating’.

    • Ephera
      43 years ago

      Cheating only starts to become a problem when you add competitive aspects to a game, like a global leaderboard or esports tournaments. And the competition is greatest when everyone is on the same leaderboard.

      Competitive aspects can be fun to some people, but yeah, I don’t see it as that big of a deal when open-source games can’t do that as well as proprietary titles.

    • @EvelynOP
      33 years ago

      that’s not really cheating. that’s modding. at your own game It’s probably fine to change things up a bit. but on a level that has to do with other people, for an example esports, nobody wants a cheater.