Some people say that environmentalist are all talk, they’ll probably go home and do like everyone else, sleep on a couch. turn on the iphone and use the ac, enjoy the capital goods as some would say. yep, they’re right. were not doing enough for the environment. I’m going to try something new.

It’s fucking hot where I live. at certain times my room can feel like a microwave if I don’t use air conditioning. but it probably uses fossil fuel to power this thing. so, I’m going to unplug it for two weeks and see what happens.

  • HiddenLayer5
    4 years ago

    I will echo that I don’t recommend it if where you live is hot enough that AC is seen as required, which from your comments it seems to be, and it’s better to find other ways of reducing your impact. However, if you’re dead set on trying it as your other comments suggest, keep a very close eye on temperature and how your own body is reacting, research the symptoms of heat stroke and overheating (do this well before you experience them so you’re prepared) and seek medical help if necessary. Drink lots of water, and find as many alternative ways to cool yourself as possible.

    Heat stroke is no joke, and you can get brain damage or die from it in the worst case.

    (This video, this, and this one are pretty short and two of them are old, but might have some useful tips for you). You might know these already, but some of the tips in the videos include:

    • For the love of god drink water! Watch your water intake and drink regularly even if you’re not thirsty. If you’re on a fluid restrictive diet, talk to your doctor about this whole thing first!

    • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, as these will dehydrate you

    • Wet your clothing and let evaporative cooling do its thing, and spray cool water on your body. Tie fabric soaked with cold water around your neck and wrists, as those areas can spread the cooling effect to the rest of your body.

    • Use linen sheets which are cooler. Try putting your sheets and pillowcases in the freezer before you sleep.

    • Avoid proteins like meat, or any other food that will increase your metabolic rate. Metabolism = heat and water loss.

    • The hottest part of the day is typically 11AM to 4PM (16:00), try going to somewhere with air conditioning during those times.

    • Avoid physical labour, if you must, do those in an air conditioned place or at night. Like how a fennec fox only leaves its underground den at night to avoid the worst of the desert heat.

    • Take warm showers which will tell your body to cool off

    • Draw in cool air at night: Open a window in the room you most want to cool, and set up a fan pointed out a window at the opposite side of the house.

    • If you have a basement, it tends to be cooler than the rest of the house. Use it to your advantage by hanging out down there or using a fan to draw the cooler air up.

    • Close windows during the day as soon as the outside temperature is above the indoor temperature. Block out sunlight too.

    • EvelynOP
      4 years ago

      Thank you so much! I needed this info.

      • HiddenLayer5
        4 years ago

        Please do more research on this on your own! You absolutely need to be prepared, otherwise you run a higher risk of harming yourself.