I want to recommend to you the novel “Rivers of London” (In USA “Midnight Riot”).

It’s “Urban Fantasy”, namely about a magic cop in the contemporary England. The main protagonist is Peter Grant, a black cop. He is the apprentice of Nightingale, the only legal magician in England.

  • marcuse1w
    4 years ago

    Does anyone have an idea why the US has a different title ? The book is set in London and the rivers of London play a role. The UK title seems all right. Is there some cultural background between US and UK that could explain this ? Does it happen more often that nooks have different names in the US and UK?

    • PeterLinuxerOP
      4 years ago

      I guess the US title is different because the editor feared that the Americans might ignore a book about London or even worse a book about rivers in London (“How boring”). I can assure anybody these books aren’t boring. They are similar to Harry Dresden books (not as crazy and not as much action as H. Dresden, but nearly). [EDIT: Ok, it has enough action to even top Harry Dresden.]