I know that many reject Vivaldi, because he is not entirely FOSS and only listed as Free-Proprietary, although I think that it is not at all fair to compare it for this with others in this category. The small part, about 5% of the code is obfuscated for good reasons. However, it does not prevent the user from modifying it to their liking and it is even encouraged by Vivaldi, but it does prevent large companies (Google) from making a fork of Vivaldi and thereby destroying this still small cooperative.

  • SeerLite
    3 years ago

    They could always re-license with a copyleft license. Then, if a big company forks the browser, Vivaldi can still use the modifications and improve the original version. I can’t see how that’d be suicide

    • @ZerushOP
      03 years ago

      Maybe, they will do it one day, but von Tezcher don’t like to repeat the error with the old Opera. He don’t like that big companies use his works in own interests and not in the interests of the user. Chrome with the inventions of Vivaldi, dominate the market definitivly and not with benefits for the user… In a satured Browser market, developers and small companies have to go with feet o lead, so as not to disappear or be absorbed by the great ones or making a deal with the devil, like Mozilla.