I am looking for people who are interested in Zot-based platforms: Hubzilla, Zap and Osada as a base to build “village intranet” instances for either intentional or local communities. Anyone out there?

  • 8Petros (he/him)OP
    13 years ago

    What is your opinion abut usability in the context I gave? From some other source I got this:

    Zap and Osada do one thing (social networking) and do it well. Use Osada if you want a really good ActivityPub server, and use Zap if you want or need nomadic identity and much stronger privacy than the fediverse can offer. Use Hubzilla if you actually know what a ‘platform’ is and want to build something great (decentralised communities and cities with shoppes and businesses that all respect your freedom) rather than than just waste your life in idle chit-chat.

    What says you?

    • @poVoq
      1 year ago

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