The entire Go Green Edition is crafted from sustainable materials. The packaging, game board, money, cards, and trays are made from 100-percent recycled paper. The game tokens themselves (including a dinosaur!) are made from a plant-based plastic derived from sugarcane, and the dice and houses come from responsibly sourced wood.

But it isn’t just the physical game board and accessories that celebrate sustainability — the game’s themes do the same. This edition finds players investing in renewable energy like solar fields and wind farms. And instead of taking railroads, you take bike paths. While the properties are the same and the rules remain unchanged, this vision of the game is decidedly much friendlier to the environment in several ways.


#environment #gaming #monopoly #gogreenedition

  • PP44
    3 years ago

    I’m not talking about something would realistically be made by Hasbro, it’s more an idea of a game design. It was just to point out that while the idea seems absurd, I think games can be a great tool to learn about the tragedy of the common, and the fundamental flaws of liberalism.