This is the state of the online left in private. When they are telling you that you’re an evil red fash and give bad optics to the left, remember this is what they act like in private.

They also started talking about trans athletes, and when someone pointed out that there are women with too high testosterone (naturally, biologically) who were barred from competing, their answer was that these women take pills now to compete so it’s all good. Then they started talking about weight classes and said there should be race classes. Unfortunately I don’t have screens of this convo.

I wanted to share these pictures because as MLs we have to remember a few things from this.

  1. We are principled. And we must remain principled.

  2. Most of these people are kids, so remember that next time they call you an authoritarian tankie.

  3. For all their talks of optics (appearing better than fascists), it is clear they don’t care about any of it. To them good optics is letting everyone do and say whatever because it’s their personal freedom.

  4. Finally, this is the effect these “breadtubers” have on people. If anyone reading this still thought they could prevent people from veering to the right, they do not. They just dress up liberalism into a vaguely progressive outfit. There is no theory that can be absorbed from these “responding to prageru” videos. When the person giving you the lecture themselves has a shallow understanding of socialism, this is what you turn into.

    53 years ago

    For all their talks of optics (appearing better than fascists), it is clear they don’t care about any of it. To them good optics is letting everyone do and say whatever because it’s their personal freedom.

    I think thats exactly it, they only care about appearance, but without any critical introspection of their own biases.