I never got into mastodon because I couldn’t connect multiple instances. I like this a lot about Lemmy so far (just here for a few minutes though).

Reading about the fediverse got me thinking. What other use cases could you think of? Maybe outside social media?

Would a fediverse password manager be more or less secure than some company owned pm?

How about “clones” of other social media like FB and Insta, TikTok?

What about a blogging community like Medium?

Other ideas?

  • ram
    1711 months ago

    I’d like to see a GitHub clone for the Fediverse that enabled the cross-instance forking of code. The recent goings-on with the FOSS Invidious make me worry about the future of all open-source software that tries to allow us some level of privacy. Putting it on a distributed network would be extremely beneficial to prevent megacorps from bullying such projects out of existence.

    • @0x1C3B00DA
      611 months ago

      there is an initiative for federated git “forges” called ForgeFed. I’m on mobile but will find some links when I’m on desktop

        • 0xCAFe
          711 months ago

          Also Gitea is working on federation support using ActivityPub.

    • @gredo@lemmy.worldOP
      411 months ago

      I get what you’re saying, but you can already get this with a little more work. Clone + Push to other self-hosted git server instance, e.g. Gitea.

      But having an overview of publicly available Giteas where you can register and cross-instance fork more easily would be nice.