    3 years ago

    I think we have lost all perspective about history. We can’t apply today’s environment to yesteryear events. Hopefully in this day and age one group overrunning another’s land is not as common and not as approved. But expansion and growth with the biggest and baddest winning the day was how thing worked.

    On a side note, my heritage is part Ojibwa indian. French couldn’t pronounce it so we were called Chippewa. The American Indian was a brutal group, as was the islanders and just about everyone else in the past. our favorite form of entertainment was torture. If we captured you and you didn’t cry out as you were tortured to death we would strip parts of your flesh, cook it over a fire and eat you. This was to gain some of your strength of spirit. Just about every tribe were cannibles, some ritualistic some full on carve and cook.

    The European settlers were horrified. I could go on, there is more that shook up the settlers about indians. Suffice to say that we have lost our history and keep trying to insert our own to fill in the gaps. Speak with your Grandfathers. Listen to their stories. Listen to the stories they have about their grandfathers. Try to understand how it was before you decide how it should have been.

    apologies for the long post…fingers are tired. : )