If we go to TILvids most liked page, we can see that some channels are consistently doing better. Many of them gaining many hundreds of views. TILvids, thelinuxexperiment, geotechdigital, pine64tilvids, smartyflix, infosecbytes. All these channels are about technology. Other types of content doesn’t get as much attention.

I think the reason this kind of content is doing well is because people visiting tilvids are among the audience that care for digital issues. They may visit TILvids because they want to make a difference. Perhaps not so much to be entertained.

In the about page, we can see that the purpose of TILvids is to be a place for educational entertainment videos. However, the kind of content that is doing well is much narrower than this. There’s a mismatch between what TILvids claim to be about and what content is actually doing well.

TILvids is a brand and that requires good branding. If there is mismatch between what it claims to be and what it actually is, it will be harder to advertise. It makes it easier for creators to join the team. It makes it easier to share the webpage with similiar minded people.

My suggestion

Narrow the purpose of TILvids to educational videos that are compatable with the people’s digital interests. Interests such as ensuring digital rights for individuals and communities.

I don’t mind if you disagree, but I just wanted to throw it out there.

  • Vegafjord eoOP
    43 years ago

    Thanks for replying. It’s nice to hear your thoughts on this :)

    • @TILvidsM
      33 years ago

      Absolutely! I hope that TILvids can become a great example of how to do a PeerTube instance right, and that many other communities arise around targeted instances of content!