Want to get yall’s feedback on community squatting.

There are a good amount of communities with zero posts, comments, etc, as well as some users who have created communities but aren’t trying to grow them or even post to them in any way.

I’d rather have the creators of communities be someone who’s at least contributing to them.

Some options are, occasionally deleting communities with little to no activity, or limiting modship to a small number of communities.

  • @dirtfindr
    4 years ago

    Please give a different link.

    archive.is is a Tor-hostile CloudFlare site, and it cannot be circumvented by using Tor Browser or by using archive.org (which gives: “This page is not available on the web because of server error”).

    BTW to be clear, brandjacking benefits the human users of Lemmy. To oppose brandjacking is to put the interests of corporations above the interest of human beings. Non-biased control cannot be achived if the brand owner is in control of the community.

    • @diorama
      14 years ago

      Yes you are right.
      Also: the archiving default way of Lemmy is via archive.is. Would you mind to fork a post on /c/asklemmy ? <3