I’ve dabbled with Linux over the years, first with Ubuntu in the early 2010s, then Elementary OS when that dropped, and a few years ago I really enjoyed how customizable the gui was with Xubuntu. I was able to make it look just like WIndows 2000 which was really cool.

Which current distro has the best GUI, in your opinion? I find modern Ubuntu to feel a little basic and cheap. I guess I don’t really like modern Gnome. I’m currently using Windows 10 LTSC which is probably the best possible version of Windows, but I’d jump to linux if I could find a distro with a gui that feels at least as polished and feature rich as Windows 10 LTSC.

  • @somedev
    10 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @SoaringDE@feddit.de
      11 year ago

      What makes Endeavour better than KDE neon? I’m a noob but I thought neon was made by the actual pladma devs?

      • @GandalfDG@beehaw.org
        31 year ago

        I’m pretty sure KDE neon is only meant for testing KDE applications and so isn’t guaranteed to be stable with anything but those packages. Other distros should be maintained with more general-purpose use in mind

      • Communist
        31 year ago

        The distro choice and the DE choice are two separate things, you really shouldn’t care much about which distro is better for which DE, the only part of that that really matters is which has the most up to date version of that DE, if you even want that.

      • fishy 2.0 (he/him)
        11 year ago

        Endeavour is based on Arch while KDE neon was based on kubuntu i think it was ones not strictly better than the other it just depends on what you want from the OS