• DarraignTheSane
    111 months ago

    Oh god I’m glad someone’s saying it. I’m a progressive person, have no problem with socialism or communism as a concept, but there’s a large amount of people around here that are so “far left” that they’ve wrapped back around to the far right without realizing it. Literally, they’re posting the same garbage I’d expect in r/conservative over on reddit.

    • @m532
      11 months ago

      You? A progressive? You were defending that weirdo who misgendered someone, and, after being called out on it, called the other person a “snowflake”. Progressives would never do that, but you decided to side with the debatebro.

      • DarraignTheSane
        11 months ago

        I’ve not once used the word snowflake here on Lemmy (and I’ve only ever used it to describe Republicans), and I don’t recall having defended someone who misgendered anyone. Put up or shut up with a link to what you’re accusing me of.

        • @m532
          11 months ago

          Look at the modlog.

          It’s in the be respectful thread.

            • @m532
              011 months ago

              The be respectful thread is pinned

              • DarraignTheSane
                111 months ago

                No, you’ve made the accusation, you provide the evidence. I absolutely stopped reading every reply in that thread once it was clearly devolving into a shitshow, so if you’d like to point out where I was defending someone misgendering someone else I’m all ears. But you can’t, because I didn’t, and you’re just trying to start shit.

                • @m532
                  -111 months ago

                  Your comment in a thread about being respectful got removed for being disrespectful. And the other person was the “snowflake” saying weirdo but you defended them.

                  • DarraignTheSane
                    11 months ago

                    Since you refuse to be an adult and back your accusations I will do it for you. Here was my final take on that thread:


                    100% the other person should have backed down and apologized pretty much after the first comment or two. But people do also need to consider that language means different things to people in different areas of the world, and my guess was that (before the person got really defensive) he meant no offense. Calling someone “buddy” for a large portion of the population carries no ill intent in most contexts.

                    If that offends you, then that’s too bad. I’m not calling anyone a snowflake, and I don’t knowingly misgender people. You really will have to point out to me where that other person did however, because if I saw that I wouldn’t have defended it.

                    (edit) - As another example, it’s a normal phrase where I’m from to call a group of people consisting of any gender (or even all women) “guys”, as in “hey guys, let’s go do something”. If that’s something that you would take offense at, then I’m sorry but that’s life and you do just have to acknowledge that language means different things to different people in different contexts and different places of the world.

      • DarraignTheSane
        11 months ago

        Ah, glad I’m being told what my political leaning is by an internet stranger from the other side of the globe with no involvement in U.S. politics and certainly no clue as to what it’s like to live in the middle of GOP fascism land like I do.

        As long as we’re making baseless assertions, you’re not a leftist.

        • ghost_laptopOP
          111 months ago

          Doing political assertions it’s not that difficult, you are either an anarchist or a liberal, almost no difference, and in both cases you are in favour of the bourgeoisie in one way or another, best case scenario you’re one of those Western “Marxists” who are okay with Marx or communism but are against any real world movement that took/takes place which is founded on actual Marxist ideals. Basically what Sartre and all that school of philosophers where like. While of course the GOP is more right wing leaning, the difference between them and the left-win neo liberal branch is laughably absurd. At least in the third world, for example in Argentina, we have the left-wing liberals, which represent the national bourgeoisie, and the right-wing liberals which represent the international bourgeoisie and are the equivalent to the left-wing liberals of your country. There is a palpable difference because the capitalist left here allows for bigger concessions and doesn’t sell out the country for pennies, but in the first world both left and right wing sectors represent the international bourgeoisie, so it kind of defeats any purpose of any meaningful “democratic” interaction.

          • DarraignTheSane
            11 months ago

            I guess you’ll need to define “in favor of”.

            I won’t argue that the leadership and majority of the Democratic party are neoconservative “”“centrists”“” - in other words, they’re conservative Democrats. There is a minority segment of the party that is progressive however, and once in a while they do something that is truly beneficial for everyone. The same can never be said about the GOP.

            (edit) - Basically our political party makeup in this country in 2023 is the following:

            • Progressive Democrats (minority)
            • Conservative Democrats (majority)
            • Conservative Republicans (minority)
            • Fascist Republicans (majority)


            Do I vote for Democrats? Yes. Do I wish that they would be more progressive and fight back against the fascist Republicans more? Yes. Do I have any illusions that they don’t fight back more because a portion of them are no different than the Republicans? No.

            However, given that those are our only real options in the U.S. as long as we have a first-past-the-post, winner take all voting system (unless or until we institute ranked choice or some other alternative voting system), then the Democrats are the only one of those two parties that at least takes some actions and speaks words in support of the poor and middle classes. If you look at their actions, anyone who is not ultra rich should be voting for Democrats over Republicans unquestionably.

            And what with the FPTP voting and all, not voting for Democrats is no different than voting for the GOP, which is only going to take us further down the path of fascism.

            I do wish that we would adopt ranked choice voting, so that more parties would have a chance to take hold. Until then, you’re right, we have a very low level of meaningful democratic interaction in our country.

            Also FWIW, my original comment about ‘being glad someone was calling out people’ wasn’t directed at you. I don’t recall previous interaction with you and haven’t seen your post history. There are plenty of people on here however that believe that anyone who isn’t calling for a violent overthrow of the U.S. government isn’t on the political left, which is abso-fucking-lutely absurd, and as @GuyDudeman@lemmy.ml said those people are usually in favor of countries that are examples of extreme authoritarian leftism, which I see as being not much different than fascism or other far right ideologies.

            • GuyDudeman
              11 months ago

              I agree with you on most of this stuff.

              I also feel like the anti-electoralism of the far-left in the US is deliberately meant to keep them from running for office and making positive changes. As long as the CIA can convince them that the only solution to the country’s ills is to commit treason, it’s going to be a lot harder for them to influence our politics and policies.

              I want to see Communist City Council members. I want Communists to run as Democrats and get their asses into seats and work their way up to real power in the party so we can actually start implementing changes for the better.

              I want the Republicans to NOT be lying when the call Democrats “communists”.

              DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) is sort of trying. Sometimes I feel like they’re the “controlled opposition” of the DNC, and that their leadership is “in cahoots” with the DNC leadership and are deliberately thwarting any efforts that could truly help the DSA take off. But that’s probably paranoid, and definitely not Occam’s Razor, I suppose.

              What is it they say? “Don’t attribute to malice that which can be more easily be attributed to incompetence.”?

              • DarraignTheSane
                11 months ago

                Hanlon’s Razor, but yes, I don’t think I would attribute it to a conspiracy per se, rather that those people just want to hold on to power any way they can paired with the fact that the system is inherently rigged against any third party from establishing itself.

                I believe that absolutely none of that can come about until we enact ranked choice or another voting system to allow people to vote for other parties without fear of throwing away their vote.

                • GuyDudeman
                  211 months ago

                  Ahh, yes. Hanlon’s Razor.

                  Anyway, I’m not sure how we can enact ranked choice voting without first infiltrating and filling the existing two-party system with people who eventually want to enact ranked choice voting. As it is currently, the only people in politics are people who are happy with the two party system and know how to manipulate it for electoral and personal gain.

                  • DarraignTheSane
                    11 months ago

                    You’re right, it’s a chicken and the egg scenario. I really don’t know how we can convince politicians to push for RCV when that’s exactly what will let some measure of power slip from their hands. A few states (Alaska, Maine, & Nevada) have done it now, and North Carolina had it but their legislature “thought better of it” and repealed it.


                    More than any one political issue, this needs to happen first for any real change to occur.