• GuyDudeman
    211 months ago

    Ahh, yes. Hanlon’s Razor.

    Anyway, I’m not sure how we can enact ranked choice voting without first infiltrating and filling the existing two-party system with people who eventually want to enact ranked choice voting. As it is currently, the only people in politics are people who are happy with the two party system and know how to manipulate it for electoral and personal gain.

    • DarraignTheSane
      11 months ago

      You’re right, it’s a chicken and the egg scenario. I really don’t know how we can convince politicians to push for RCV when that’s exactly what will let some measure of power slip from their hands. A few states (Alaska, Maine, & Nevada) have done it now, and North Carolina had it but their legislature “thought better of it” and repealed it.


      More than any one political issue, this needs to happen first for any real change to occur.

      • GuyDudeman
        211 months ago

        Agreed. But it will have to start on the municipal level and work its way up, I believe.