Hello, the other day I was talking with a local activist who told me about the challenges they had when trying to have anarchists work with other organizations, they is currently working on minority rights, and he told me how their organization is too far away from anarchist ideals and it’s hard to make cooperation happen.

For instance he works with immigrants, and this org is small and has leaders. While the anarchists think it’s no good. But in the end this means less strength to help people who are struggling.

I work with many anarchists who can work with people who aren’t anarchists, but I am aware that problems may arise. What challenges have you faced, and how do you deal with it ?

  • @polymerwitch
    33 years ago

    I understand a little better now.

    I still don’t think that anarchists are inherently hard to deal with. Criticism should be taken, considered, and acted upon. Sometimes after consideration the action is just noting the criticism and moving on.

    Part of anarchism is the ideal of free association. We should organizer with people and groups that align with us. It’s totally OK if all left organizing doesn’t align 100% with each other.