There are already loads of Goodreads alternatives out there. They’re all doing different things, which means you now have ‘choice’! Good to also see Bookwyrm (open source federated application) is also listed.

These are all services with a website access, so app only ones are not included.


#technology #reading #alternativeto #goodreads #books

  • riccardo
    3 years ago

    Yes it’s true, they’re all closed source, but I’m grateful BookWyrm exists. It’s not only opensource, it also supports federation between instances. We really miss a letterbox alternative for movies though, and I’m surprised it doesn’t exist already. Maybe it’s also because there’s no movies equivalent to OpenLibrary, since Letterbox and similar services all rely on themoviedb/imdb for their data. Which are pretty good services on their own but they’re not driven by the same principles of OpenLibrary

    • ghost_laptopM
      13 years ago

      Mmm, you’re right, but well, I guess the database could be built while creating the platform, too (BW plans is to contribute to OL database so it’s kind of similar). I think it wouldn’t be too hard to adapt BW into a movie thing, but I don’t know shit about programming.