Judging by the sound delay, the explosion was likely up to 5 miles away. BBC interviewed locals, who claimed that the shock waves were so powerful they might have died if they were just outside. Zelenskyy’s delusional war is suicidal, this must end

Target was most likely a large ammunition depot. Judging by the sheer amount, that was their storage for their entire spring counteroffensive. Welp.

  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    11 year ago

    So I followed your advice and read this. Now I’m not simply anxious, but outright terrified of what’s to come.

    Some excerpts:

    PMC Nevsky and PMC Stream, which is apparently Gazprom’s private PMC company

    Because apparently a gas monopoly has its own private military. And that doesn’t concern anybody important.

    There is also a PMC Wolves and PMC Patriot, alleged to be the private PMC group of Shoigu

    So the author alleges that the minister of defence has his own private army. What kind of warlord shit is this?

    If it’s true that Russia mobilized not only the 300k we know of, but an additional 100k volunteers—which is very believable, by the way—then that bodes very well

    Not sure what evidence is there for this. Sounds like wishful thinking, honestly.

    The rest of the article is decent, if perhaps a bit optimistic. I.e. it glosses over the possibility of terrorism performed by UA special forces (something their Western trainers are quite good at) and the reaction of the Russian citizens to that - heck, apparently there’s been an attemped drone strike on Moscow Kremlin just last night.

    The article also cheers on the usage of glide bombs to devastate entire housing blocks, yet ignores how it will impact civilians, their desire to fight Russia and the cost of rebuilding afterwards. All the while UA politicians and oligarchs (who started the whole affair) are free to travel westward and could escape unimpeded at moment’s notice.

    Finally, the closing statement is ridiculous. Even if we concede using Dugin as a source, the quote itself is just silly.