I’ve seen users from mastodon and friendica comment on lemmy posts, but I’ve never seen posts from instances running non lemmy software show up in my feed. Is this a consequence of different software handling federation differently?

  • @nutomicA
    11 year ago

    This is not true, Lemmy already federates communities from Friendica, Peertube, Lotide and more. Guppe might also work but I need to see an example group to know how it federates.

    • Ada
      1 year ago

      Wait, so I can subscribe to a community on Friendica from lemmy?

      If so, I have never been more happy to be wrong :)

      • Ada
        1 year ago

        I’ve just tested this, and I can’t subscribe to Friendica groups.

        When I was talking about federating with Friendica in my original reply, that’s really what I meant. The ability for a lemmy instance to follow groups from another group based instance that isn’t lemmy.

        I know they federate comments and replies etc, but that isn’t what I was getting at. My wording probably wasn’t as clear as it could have been


        • @nutomicA
          11 year ago

          Which Friendica group are you trying to follow, and do you see anything in the server logs? Would be nice if you can open an issue on Github.