• DankZedong
    181 year ago

    I think the educational system in the West has done such a good job in painting Communism as an obsolete and dangerous way of thinking that it has automatically programmed people to see the current capitalist state of the world as the only option. As the saying goes, it is easier to imagine an apocalpyse or a zombie outbreak than it is to imagine the end of capitalism.

    After all, it must be some secret aliens/lizard people at the top that have a very secret agenda we can’t know about, pushing all the buttons so the world falls into chaos, right? It can’t be a banana company staging literal coups in South America because their banana profit went down a bit. Or it can’t be Shell just wanting to keep their Nigerian oil supply for themselves, right?

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      After all, it must be some secret aliens/lizard people at the top that have a very secret agenda we can’t know about, pushing all the buttons so the world falls into chaos, right?

      This is where idealism philosophy in politics lead. A very mundane ruling class interest is obscured in many layers of mysticism, back then it was divine right or Sun needed to be begged to rise every morning or multitude of other nonsense, and now it is basically the same thing, the sanctified priestly caste of capitalists interpret and manage the divine will of markets, plus some conspiracy superstition for the masses. The old superstitions at least had the benefit of shitty understanding of nature.

      All based on making mechanisms of society purposefully obscure.