Sup comrades,

Looking to do a deep dive into current price hikes and inflation with some comrades and looking for resources to explain, critique and solve the problem form a marxist perspective.

The term inflation famously doesn’t really come up explicitly in Marx, only “money devaluation” afaik, but still if you got relevant material/articles/books/whatever on the topic, I’d love to go through them


  • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.mlOP
    31 year ago

    Geopolitical Economy Hour

    Hate that name change…no recall value at all.

    But excellent suggestion. Thought about Michael Hudson too when setting up this post, but nothing specific came to mind. This is exactly it. Richard Wolff did quite a few espidodes last years on the topic too now that I’m thinking about it

    Thanks comrade!

      31 year ago

      I totally agree. I get that Ben Norton wanted to expand the perspective a bit, but Multipolarista was catchy and still covers the gist of his and his guests perspectives.

      1 year ago

      Yeah what’s up with Ben Norton renaming Multipolarista? The new name sucks, it’s boring and over long and not memorable at all… Really bad branding. Did he not have anyone with some understanding of basic marketing to tell him not to do it? Multipolarista was way more inspired.