I swear this is impossible. I’ve tried every smoke I can find online and can’t get any to be consistent.

Which smoke do you use?

  • ssenecaOP
    13 years ago

    The throw from top of mid is consistent but as you said requires two smokes (and takes a lot longer).

    Yeah that smoke from T Spawn is better than others but I can’t even get it to be 8/10.

    I’ll probably stick to the smoke from top mid, but even with the cross smoke in my experience it’s too easy for a CT to shoot into it and grab a kill.

    Greatest success I’ve had gaining mid control has been directly challenging the CT AWPer in mid (which is still difficult since afaik CTs get there first).

    • @SmellyFingers62
      23 years ago

      You can easily popflash yourself into mid too, you don’t necessarily need the second smoke.

      The issue you’ll likely find moving forward is that once they work you out - they put two cat, or one peeking right side connector. The top cat smoke is probably as valuable as the window smoke.