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  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    31 year ago

    Libtards on life support after Wagner militants discovered a Ukrainian Banderite (Timofey Shadura) amongst their POWs and filmed themselves executing him with machine guns at close range. The guy’s last words were literally “Slava Ukraini”, which is the Ukrainian “sieg heil”. Rest in piss bozo

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      He should have been put on trial, have his true colours exposed to the world, and either executed for war crimes or imprisoned and left to rot.

      Executing POW’s, no matter who they are, is an absolutely terrible idea. All you do is encourage others to not surrender, commit more war crimes, and can lead to an extremely slippery slope in what frontline soldiers will feel emboldened to do. There’s a reason POW execution is a war crime, and it doesn’t cost Russia much to put him on trial and humiliate him for the disgusting Nazi he is.

      • 陈卫华是我的英雄
        1 year ago

        He wasn’t executed for being a war criminal, he was shot because he was a Nazi (presumably he either had tattoos or a questionable online presence)

        • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
          11 year ago

          That’s… still a war crime. You cannot execute prisoners of war, no matter who they are without a due process of law under the Hague and Geneva conventions.

          It doesn’t matter that he was a Nazi, executing him as a prisoner is still illegal no matter how disgusting and degenerate he is.

          • 陈卫华是我的英雄
            11 year ago

            Out of curiosity, do you also oppose the Barbara Pit “Massacre” and the summary execution of SS concentration camp guards?

            • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              Don’t attempt to strawman my argument. Trying to tie the execution of concentration camp guards, and Einsatzgruppen in WW2, as an equivalence to killing a random insane Nazi for no reason is a deep logical fallacy.

              I never said that I’m losing sleep or am sad a Nazi got put in the dirt, but in the realm of this conflict and modern geopolitics, Russia should not stoop to the level of the US with executing random POW’s when there is absolutely no need to; as opposed to putting them on trial and executing or imprisoning them at a later date. There is nothing to be gained from the senseless brutality that cannot be gained at another time through legal means.

              Also even if we compare this to the events you mentioned; those events happened on the tail end of the war in its closing months/days when the Nazis could do little in response. War crimes like this only lead to reprisal and escalations, hence them being war CRIMES. The last thing we need is Russian, or militia POW’s executed in reprisal.

              • 陈卫华是我的英雄
                1 year ago

                War crimes like this only lead to reprisal and escalations, hence them being war CRIMES. The last thing we need is Russian, or militia POW’s executed in reprisal.

                Executing Nazi Ukrainian POWs literally is the reprisal, the countermeasure. It is already the response.

                I get that randomly shooting people is not a wonderful thing to do, but the world is safer with these people dead rather than in captivity. Russia was forced to trade back some Azovstal POWs to get back their own. We would rather trade average, normal soldiers for average, normal soldiers than high-profile Nazi shitheads in more of a “ransom payment”, “please don’t torture them to death” fashion.

                • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
                  1 year ago

                  It doesn’t matter what you think makes the world a better place, it is still illegal under several war conventions of which the Soviet Union, Ukraine, and Russia are signatories of. Its not that “its not a nice thing to do”, its that its explicitly illegal and forbidden.

                  You don’t get to pick and choose what clauses of the Geneva Convention you get to follow.

                  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
                    01 year ago

                    its explicitly illegal and forbidden.

                    Yea, but it’s not morally wrong. Just because this behavior should not legally happen does not mean that we should not celebrate it

    • @frippa
      31 year ago

      Wagner, the “fascist militia” (according to liberals) that literly risk their lives killing fascists in ukkraine