• @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Didn’t happen fast enough, just recently there was another west worshipping “professor” called out by one of his students for his pro western material. The student ended up getting doxxed by pro western libs.

    Still plenty of cancerous libs in the education sector which are downplaying or outright rewriting everything the imperial Japanese or the west has done as “good for the country”.

    Textbooks with suspicious symbols also became a focus point as many of them were linked to pro western groups. From Japanese symbols to a kid dressed in an American flag t-shirt destroying the great wall, these fucks are doing everything they could to earn their state department paycheck.

    From desecrating the flag and map

    Inappropriate shit like this

    Many of them are hiding under the cover of being “pro peace, pro Ukranian” and even on social media sites if you even so much as critisise NATO and the US you will labelled as a “pinko, wumao, yellow skinned Russian”. The best part is that some of the most rabidly pro-western and anti-self dogs happen to be g*mers who hadn’t even graduated lol.

    • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
      291 year ago

      Oh hold on. That middle collage image has had the script flipped on it. It’s from a sex education textbook, a section about sexual abuse. They educate kids about this stuff in primary school. Top two are pictures of inappropriate behaviour, bottom left has had the pervert with a camera cropped out.

      Bottom right I have no idea but the book those other three are from is based as fuck. Other pages from that book that liberals won’t be so quick to share are the pages about respecting homosexuality and asexuality, and that it’s wrong to shame people for choosing not to marry or follow other social norms. It runs completely against the Western narrative about what sex education is like in China.

    • @Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
      131 year ago

      This is deeply disturbing. This cannot but be a result of the economic coupling of China and the US since the 70s. It is no wonder why they have such a foothold and gain ideological praise within the nation. Xi is entirely on point in reforms towards national alliance as this isn’t simply liberalism, this is a devotion towards imperial capital. The difference between the two is clear with the case of Russia. Liberals of course are still liberals no matter their state of development and so the only true solution to this is expanding Marxism within the PRC.

      • Yep, they’re trying to replicate what they did to the USSR through historical nihilism (历史虚无主义). There are constant efforts by them to degrade and throw dirt upon the names of national martyrs and heroes of not only the PRC, but also Marx, Engels, Stalin, Che, Castro and others. During the western orchestrated protests a few months ago, some of the paid libs in Shanghai exclaimed “what foreign influence? Marx and Engels are foreign influences, we’re here of our own free will”

        If their goal is achieved, the leadership of the country would believe western lies and throw away everything that their forefathers had built…

        Right now they’re trying to stoke nationalism and drive a wedge between the PRC and Russia.

        • @Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
          101 year ago

          This is despicable but one can expect nothing of honor to come from imperial capital which has time and time again proven itself to be of the most reactionary nature. This too is another example of the PRC’s inherited responsibility to overcome the failures of the USSR. If they were to fail their failures too would simply rollover onto the next proletarian power. If they succeed their lessons must be studied and learned to be replicated so as to cutoff yet another of the dubious tricks the bourgeois use against our class.

    • commiespammer
      111 year ago

      I saw a lot of that stuff on the Chinese internet. Yes, it’s disturbing, but after 2939944 posts with the same four images over and over again it tends to get tedious. Also I think it was a teacher, not a student.