• Respect sovereignty of all countries

  • Oppose any unilateral sanctions not authorized by U.N. Security Council

  • A country’s security cannot be at expense of other countries security

  • We oppose development,use of biological and chemical weapons by any country under any circumstances

  • Regional security cannot be guaranteed by strengthening or even expanding military blocks

  • Nuclear weapons cannot be used and nuclear war cannot be fought

  • Cease fire and stop firing,prevent Ukraine crisis from further aggravating or even getting out of control

  • Maintain safety of nuclear power pans,oppose armed attacks on nuclear facilities

  • Gradually promote de-escalateion and easing of situation and finally reach comprehensive ceasefire

  • Dialogue,negotiations are only viable way to resolve Ukraine crisis

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      11 year ago

      EU is entirely dependent on the US, and the reason EU is suffering an economic crisis right now is because EU leaders followed US geopolitical interests. The tariffs don’t change that in the slightest.

      The US would probably be pretty unhappy if mexico said they intend to join CSTO (even if that’s unlikely). Would the US use the prospect of joining CSTO as excuse to lunch a full scale invasion of Mexico? I doubt it. Would they complain and threatens sanctions? That’s more likely.

      US literally invaded Cuba buddy, and still occupies land there. This is not a hypothetical. Your doubts stem from sheer ignorance. US has also run numerous coups in Latin America to install friendly regimes. Entire books have been written on the subject

      Perhaps learn a bit of history of what your country does around the world?

      What Ukraine received from Russia is threats, efforts to destabilize eastern provinces through separatist groups, then finally a full scale invasion attempt.

      Some nice historical revisionism there. Perhaps learn a bit about the subject you’re attempting to debate?

      What did they receive from NATO?

      A coup.

      NATO did not protect against an invasion because Ukraine isn’t a member. They were however getting close to joining it. Maybe the Kremlin decided to invade while they still could, otherwise NATO may have been a good enough deterrence.

      NATO sent everything it’s got to Ukraine, and even Stoltenberg now openly admits that NATO armouries are running dry. NATO demonstrated that it is unable to compete with Russia in terms of military production. Once Russia is done with Ukraine it will dictate terms to NATO.

      This is what the policy of belligerence and arrogance gets you. People like you convinced themselves that you can do whatever the fuck you want around the world, that you are always in the right, and you get to dominate and subjugate everyone else to your will. You never listen when you’re told otherwise, and the only response you seem understand is violence.