Also example of markup in the titles on jerboa

Also sorry if this is the wrong sub to post this in, they’re all very spread out

  • kroldenOP
    21 year ago

    Its pretty much the only post with 100+ upvotes

    Oh apparently its a mastodon post. The link didn’t open mastodon it just loaded the original post and comments in jerboa. I assume the upvotes are likes on mastodon. That’s gonna end up screwing up internal content metrics vs rando mastodon likes, IMO. Also viewing mastodon accounts as Lemmy accounts is really weird. How are you supposed to know who’s from where?

    Anyway, it seems to be one way as in theres no way to post to the original mastodon post, just view the thread in Lemmy. Kinda weird.

    Also weird, now I can’t seem to find the original post anywhere after setting my language to English, nor any of my previous posts… Wtf?

      • kroldenOP
        11 year ago

        yeah apparently mastodon users get accounts when they post? that doesnt seem right.

        now that you found the link i tried posting from the browser. it says its posted but i honestly have no idea since comments seem to depend on which frontend you’re using to post/view

        also cant see a ton of older comments since i changed my profile language.

      • kroldenOP
        11 year ago

        says 33 comments on your profile but i can only view two.

        • 56!
          11 year ago

          That’s odd. I can see all of my own and all of yours from I assume you are using the website?

          • kroldenOP
            11 year ago

            yeah. do you have your language preference set in your profile?

            • 56!
              21 year ago

              I only have an interface language set.

              • kroldenOP
                31 year ago

                hahah ok i was dumb. i was only setting it in the ‘languages’ list. i didnt realize there were two different values for language. weird. i can now see older comments.

                HOWEVER now i cant comment on that mastodon post and get “language not allowed”. what a clusterfuck

                • Ada
                  21 year ago

                  So, (most? all?) mastodon posts don’t have a language tag, so as far as Lemmy is concerned those posts have an undefined language. So unless you have set undefined as one of the languages you wish to see in your Lemmy settings, then those posts will be hidden from you.