Ellis, one of 18 Trump associates charged in Georgia election subversion case, says she ‘simply can’t support him’ aga

  • Black AOC
    168 months ago

    It really took her this long to sort it out? With a literal indictment on her? Not any of the dozens of other times he cut off members of his inner circle for suspected disloyalty, or whatever made Mr. Highlighter angry that morning?

    • @Fapper_McFapper@lemmy.world
      68 months ago

      It was the same with Michael Cohen. I’ve listened to some of the recordings in which he strong arms a person suing Trump. What a despicable man. They all think they’re going to get away with it until the law finally catches up to them.

      To this day I have no idea if Cohen is actually sorry about what he did.

      • Black AOC
        58 months ago

        Oh, he’s not. The only thing he’s sorry about is that the scheme got blown open, I guarantee it.

      • @SatanicNotMessianic
        48 months ago

        I think he’s sorry he did it, but that he’s the exact same person who did it, if you see what I mean.

        Like, he’s sorry he stuck with the guy, he’s sorry he went as far as he did, but not because it was morally bankrupt. He’s sorry because he was stupid and is paying the consequences. I don’t think he’s sorry because he realized that being a liar and a grifter is wrong, or that being a tax cheat is wrong, or that making sure rich people get away with anything they do is wrong.

        He’s sorry that he committed to going down with the ship because he thought it’d actually just stay afloat, but then got tossed overboard by the captain and rest of the crew anyway.

    • @ramble81@lemm.ee
      38 months ago

      Fits with the conservative narrative, it doesn’t matter until it affects them personally.