Welcome again to everybody! Happy Lunar New Year. Make yourself at home. Go ahead and stand on that inconspicuous floor tile over there. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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  • @RedSquid@lemmygrad.ml
    31 year ago

    I can’t find the original tweet I saw now, all I can get is Justin Trudeau calling it that. But yeah, my point was that it’s western governments cynically trying to detach the holiday from its roots in the west using ‘inclusivity’. They have zero interest in or care for other east-asian populations that adopted CNY, it’s purely a political maneouvre.

    And yeah, I wasn’t slighting WOW, they’ve been saying Lunar Festival for almost 20 years and also don’t refer to Christmas or Easter (Winter Veil and Noblegarden respectively) and they even have Oktoberfest which they call Brewfest. I was only pointing out that that’s the only place, until this year, that I’d seen CNY called something else, and it was in a fictional universe.