I don’t like that countries all over the world call other countries whatever fits their own language. In English we call these nations “Ireland” “Russia” “Palestine”. But these places are “Eire” “Rossiya” “Chungkuo” or “Falesteen”. Which other countries are good names before it gets translated. I do have small acceptions for places where they call it like DPRK or something where the name is just the same but translated but Rossiya makes more sense than Russia.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Few fun ones in polish:

    • First obligatory Germany. In german it’s Deutschland, in english is Gemany and in polish is Niemcy - literally “those who don’t speak” “mute ones”.

    • Italy - in polish Włochy - that’s a long string of language borrowing coming from german “Walh” for southern europeans and that’s coming from the celtic tribe known in latin as Volcae - iirc the original word means “hawk” or “hero”. There was also more celtic tribes in Europe with that name. Compare to the same source names for Wales and Wallachia. Also “Włochy” in polish is same pronounciation and spelling as augmentative of “włosy” - hair. In slang meaning “pubic hair”. So yeah, there are jokes about pubic hair and generally hygiene of Italians, though the Italian people have very good opinion in Poland at the same time.

    • Węgry - might sound intimidating to pronounce, but the source of it is exact same latin words as for english Hungary, just twisted throug polish pronounciation over the ages, and coming from the turkic word “Onggur”, literally “ten arrows”. It’s exonym of course, Hungarians call themselves “Magyar” but mostly everyone ignore it :(

    • @frippa
      51 year ago

      I love being a pubic hair

      I love just existing on someone’s pubic zone without me needing to earn my living participating in an exploitative system, just existing.

      • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
        31 year ago

        Just hope that your not the pube of an avid podcast listener otherwise you may get Manscaped💀

        • @frippa
          31 year ago

          😓capitalism breeds innovation I guess