1. Fish Shell

  2. Nushell

  3. Dune

  4. Xonsh

  5. Hilbish

  6. Elvish

  7. Oh

  8. Solidity

  9. Yash

  • Yuu Yin
    1 year ago

    It is because it departs from POSIX that it is good; I recognize the syntax for some functionality is cumbersome and hard to remember though. There are similarities like command names and piping still…

    I use NixOS and home-manager, so for switching I just

      home-manager.users.yuu = {
        programs.nushell = {
          package = pkgs-update.nushell;
          enable = true;
          configFile.source = ../../config/nushell/config.nu;
          envFile.source = ../../config/nushell/env.nu;  

    The config.nu and env.nu is basically the default just with a customized prompt.

    Then in my alacritty.ylm I set shell to the nu binary

      program: /etc/profiles/per-user/yuu/bin/nu

    Also learned from official resources https://www.nushell.sh/book. When I have doubts, I ask either on Nushell’s GitHub discussions or https://matrix.to/#/#nushell:matrix.org

    And to keep a POSIX shell

      environment = {
        systemPackages = with pkgs; [
        sessionVariables = rec {
          TERM = "alacritty";
          TERMINAL = "alacritty";
          SHELL = "${pkgs.mksh}/bin/mksh";
      environment.shells = [
    • Sr Estegosaurio
      41 year ago

      I’m a simple person, I see Nix I upvote.

      Thanks for the comment, I may copy some stuff. :p

      • Yuu Yin
        31 year ago

        You’re a person of culture as well I see; I upvote comments of culture yes📠

        I remember talking with you at the NixOS matrix; nice to see you here as well💖✨✨✨🌠

        • Sr Estegosaurio
          31 year ago

          It’s true! Sometimes the internet seams really smoll.