Alright enough shitposting for now, hope everyone enjoyed

    -101 year ago

    Fuck off, do you know what is called in the phylosophical context “muh spirituality”? IDEALISM. THE OPPOSITE OF MATERIALISM. THEY ARE OPPOSITE. THEY ARE NOT ABLE TO MIX, BECAUSE MATERIALISM DENIES SPIRITUALITY, AKA, IDEALISM.

      181 year ago

      Is it not idealism to suggest that Communists can dismiss religion and religious people in a world where religion is so widespread?

      • As idealist as dismissing fascism, whip I never said to dismiss, but to educate against as communism educates against monarchism, capitalism, feudalism… And THEOCRACIES. “But mu-” shut up, if religion held no political power, explain Vatican, Meka, Tibet, and all the theocracist power and states ruled in all of history. “but muh spiri-” shut up. Why is it something man made and not free from both materialism and dialectics, forced to be considered special and not be regarded as idealist reactionarism a la socdem, nazbol, etc?