• @dima1
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

      • I actually think this way, but at the same time, I also believe that Ukkkraina is much, much worse than Russia due to its rampant Nazism and White Supremacism1.

        I would’ve been a Russia stan at this point if they just - at the very least - left LGBT+ people alone and tackled the high domestic abuse cases.

        1 - (que the time Ukrainian citizens were pushing Global Southerners from trains or even beating them up when everyone were fleeing from the war… And here I thought people were supposed to be more empathetic during the time of war… Oh well, I guess fascists will always be fascists)

        • It is the one thing that is so weird with Russia. Those weird moments of folding anti lgbt stuff into the superstructure conversation with the SMO just seemed like a vestigial waste of time.

          Ive said it before. It’s probably better for a country to fold in their minority populations into a shared national project and give them common investment in it then to alienate them and give them reason to assist the enemy or consider subterfuge.

          At the very least, it seems extremely weird that treating certain people as second class citizens in your country as part of one’s definition of victory or making the lgbt stuff even part of the conversation of war.

            • I didn’t mean that to you, I meant it to the people that used the term, SMO to mean the Russian Government.

              But now I see that the Russian Government is calling themselves SMO in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict…

              • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
                01 year ago

                But now I see that the Russian Government is calling themselves SMO in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict…

                That’s not at all what’s happening. I feel like you are trolling me right now

                  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
                    31 year ago

                    Okay, let me try this one more time:

                    Russian government is the current government of Russian Federation with Vladimir Putin as president. It does not have any specific name.

                    Special Military Operation (SMO for short) - the official designation of the process of armed conflict, undertaken by the Russian Federation’s army in the territory of Ukraine.

                    The SMO is not the name of the Russian Government. Not in this conflict, not elsewhere. It is specifically the name of the military operation.