Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there. Take off your shoes. I’m not cleaning mud off the floor. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

We have our own Matrix homeserver at https://genzedong.org; you can make an account with any Matrix client (e.g. Element). We also have a GenZedong Matrix room (see the sidebar for more information), and there’s a general Lemmygrad Matrix room at #internationale:genzedong.org.

Join our Discord if you are so inclined

Short reading list for new MLs here. To find theory (and other books), you can use z-lib, libgen, or Sci-Hub (for scientific articles). If an article is unavailable, try the Wayback Machine.

  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    151 year ago

    The real question is - whose revolution will it be? Given who is pushing Europe into crisis, I don’t think it’s paranoia to think they’re ready to seize the opportunity to go mask-off fash

    • @knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
      131 year ago

      The fascist groups are far better prepared to sieze (more) power once shit starts going down. The effects of generations of oppression against leftists and specifically communists are going to be made very clear very soon.