A patch release today with the following changes:

  • Posts and comments are no longer live-sorted (meaning most content should stay in place).
  • Fixed an issue with the create post title field not expanding when copied from iframely suggestion.
  • Fixed broken federated community paging / sorting.
  • Added aria attributes for accessibility, thx to @Mitch Lillie.
  • Updated translations and added croatian.
  • No changes to lemmy back-end.
  • Serge Tarkovski
    43 years ago

    I assume they will be sorted after page refresh, is that correct?

    • DessalinesOPA
      63 years ago

      Yep, or doing any of the sort options at the top.

      • @SirLotsaLocks
        33 years ago

        any plans to make this a togglable setting or is it just out?

        • DessalinesOPA
          43 years ago

          It’s just out for right now. I’m thinking an explicit resort button might be better than having a setting. No one really liked seeing the content they just voted on get moved around, or new posts pushing what they were reading out of the way.

          • @SirLotsaLocks
            53 years ago

            Yeah that makes sense. For me it was a bit of a mixed bag. I loved seeing everything change in front of me but it was also frustrating trying to keep up when following a thread or something like that.