• @JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    America, and the West as a whole for that matter, doesn’t need fascism.

    Fascism, for all the shitting and pissing of pants it causes, and for all the fearmongering about it, was ultimately nothing more than a failed German-Italian-Japanese mimicry of Western global domination and imperialism. At the absolute most, it was only ever competition, and unstable at that (which is why for example, in Spain, fascism stabilized back into bourgeois democracy)

    In the case that the fascists would’ve actually won WWII, the only difference between a world ruled by the Axis and the one currently ruled American, Atlanticist, or otherwise Western global cartels is that Germany would be at the helm, not America.

    Also, actual fascism, as in Third Positionism, is and always has been a fringe ideology that I would describe as some sort of reactionary distortion of socialism advocating a system akin to medieval guilds and communes— Imagine Trump except with the social and economic views of Bernie Sanders.

    The moment Italian and German fascists gained power, not only did they abandon any and all of the “left-wing” (so to say) aspects of their movement (like the Hitlerites with the 25 points and the Strasserist faction for that matter), they actively purged it, and became glamorized Pinkerton agents.