• Seanchaí (she/her)
    1 year ago

    Could you seriously lay off with this? Just because you were personally victimised by a religion doesn’t make you right in being a complete fucking asshole to everyone else. There are people with faith. get the fuck over it. Not a single socialist nation bans religion (Albania tried, and look how that worked out). There’s nothing revolutionary about being a jerk to literally 70% of the workers on the planet because you disagree with their spirituality, and there’s nothing materialist about saying Marxism is incompatible with religion. Get off your high horse and start working with people.

    Anecdotally, I’ve found exponentially more religious people at mutual aid groups and protests than atheists, and we can work together no problem to help people regardless of whether I believe the same as them or not.

    Edit: the most generous estimate is 750 million atheists worldwide, which is literally less than 10% of the population, though other studies show it at closer to 3% of the population, so imagine trying to alienate over 90% of the world and saying you stand for the people

    • Oh, yeah, and one many liberals are there? What an atrocious ad populum falacy, wanting to omit Dialectical Materialism in favor of Idealistic Reactionary rethoric.

      • Seanchaí (she/her)
        1 year ago

        Are you for fucking real? You legit think that 3% of the population gets to tell literally 97% of the population that they’re absolutely wrong and that is somehow democratic? Materialism has literally nothing to do with religion. It’s not some magic gotcha that invalidates people’s beliefs. Materialism examines the material world but has absolutely no bearing on the spiritual. No matter how much you think your personal minority gripe is the be all and end all of marxism, I tell you yet again that there is no AES that bans religion, because that is just fucking ridiculous and oppressive.

        You don’t know more about how to run a revolution than the DPRK. You don’t know more than Cuba. You don’t know more than China. You don’t know more than 97% of the fucking planet, get your narcissism in check. I’m sorry that some religious people hurt you, but seriously, get over your shit and stop taking it out on everyone else in the fucking world

        Edit: my tone was probably harsh here, but I’m pretty fed up with this. You spend all your time on here griping about religion like it’s your only personality trait. All I can say to you is good luck winning over the masses when you think literally 7.5 billion people are wrong and your enemies. When you position yourself against nearly all of humanity you might wonder if you’re the one in the wrong. You certainly don’t stand for them, and they won’t stand for you.