It is starting to reach freezing temps here and my bedroom is a nice and cozy 12 degrees C right now. My gf and I look like the grandparents in Charlie and the chocolate factory because we lay on the couch under blankets the whole evening. But my heating is still off.

I pay 66 euro’s a month right now but my energy supplier suggests upping it to 192 euro’s a month, or pay a 350 euro end bill. I choose the end bill in the hope that shit will calm down soon because the amount is doable right now. Several of my coworkers pay 2-4000 euro’s for their end bill though. Needless to say, they can’t afford it.

How about you guys? Got any tips to heat the house without turning the heating on?

  • DankZedong OP
    1 year ago

    I can’t do anything as I rent. The government has measures mostly targeted at people that bought a house. Renovation budgets and all. They do NOTHING for the high price. It’s turn off your heating or financially destroy yourself here. Mold sucks but destroying my savings account sucks too. There’s nothing renters can do really.

      1 year ago

      That’s unfortunate. In that case i would advise airing out your apartment at least once or twice a day and maybe get a dehumidifier. You can also buy for relatively cheap a small mobile electric heater that you can just plug in and just use it in the one room where you spend the most time and turn it off when you don’t need it to save on electricity. Unfortunately you won’t get around spending. You should always put your health first and foremost, even if your savings take a hit.

      • DankZedong OP
        91 year ago

        I leave the bed/bathroom window open until 19.00h. Got a heater in the basement which I can use. If things get worse I will turn on heating in the bathroom. Won’t be an easy winter but I will manage.