• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    2 years ago

    There’s nothing I can see about them having the least bit to do with the assassination of Juma Tayir, besides a shared ethnicity.

    You are being intentionally obtuse aren’t you. I used the wiki link to give an example of the types of people China is concerned about. Since you claim that you have no problems acknowledging problems with your country, it’s a good time for you to show that by acknowledging that US has been sponsoring terrorists in China as well as many other countries.

    As I said, it’s the consequence of an open society where we are allowed to discuss our flaws. The best disinfectant is sunlight, and in China there is no sunlight allowed.

    I’m trying to imagine the mental gymnastics one has to go through to call a society with one of the highest incarceration rates in the world open. Do you even listen to yourself?

    Your country literally runs on slave labor, and none of you even give a shit about that. Clearly there isn’t enough disinfectant in this universe for you people.

    Then you haven’t been paying attention. Or perhaps I just am not always agreeing with the criticism that you want me to agree with? I’m not obligated to agree with your every complaint.

    Oh I have very much been paying attention. Just in this thread alone you keep calling your despotic regime an open society. In previous threads you whitewashed US involvement in Ukraine and Afghanistan, danced around the insane nuclear posture your regime has, and tried to argue that it’s not an oligarchy.

    You don’t acknowledge a single wrong doing your regime does and praise it as some sort of free and open society which it’s demonstrably not. If you held your own country to the same standards as China you’d see that China is a far better and saner society than US could ever hope to be.

    Or perhaps I just am not always agreeing with the criticism that you want me to agree with? I’m not obligated to agree with your every complaint.

    Have you considered that perhaps I too disagree with the criticisms of China you want me to agree with? I’m not obligated to agree with your every complaint.