I think this is essential reading for everyone who considers themselves Marxist Leninst. For those who don’t understand the division between socialism and liberalism this is possibly the greatest explanatory work. For everyone regardless of thought, this is a conversation between two of the most well known intellectuals of their time discussing a paramount subject which most people find perplexing.

I don’t know much about the party hosting the article, as I have no taste for blood pudding nor hard tact. The introduction they provide is decent enough.

I hope you’ll take the time to read this short interview.

  • @CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
    171 year ago

    Take Fascism for example. Fascism is a reactionary force which is trying to preserve the old system by means of violence. What will you do with the fascists? Argue with them? Try to convince them?

    Holy shit, Stalin himself ripped on libs for thinking they could stop fascism by debating the fascists.

    • DankZedong
      151 year ago

      How to defeat fascism

      Step 1: debate the fascists in the market place of idea

      Step 2: realize it won’t work

      Step 3:

    • SovereignState
      101 year ago

      “Marketplace of ideas” been dead and buried since at least 1934 when comrade Stalin pwned the libs harder than they’ve ever been pwned before