Has something changed in the past couple days to make dev.lemmy.ml a memory hog? There was never a performance issue in the past months, but now it’s as fat as pleroma. I cannot use pleroma because of it’s absurd amount of RAM consumption.

If this doesn’t improve, does anyone know of a client app that would enable users to avoid the web app?

  • DessalinesA
    24 years ago

    This should go in /c/asklemmy , but could you post a browser ram snapshot? I just loaded up the site and its taking up 23 MB of ram, and a pleroma instance I’m on is taking 28 MB of ram.

    • @dirtfindrOP
      4 years ago

      I’ve attached a snapshot of the Ungoogled Chromium task manager to the OP. I think there is possibly a relation to being logged in, because I’ve also noticed some logged-out Lemmy tabs with a memory footprint in the 20’s. Right after logging into lemmy, my hard drive goes ape shit for a bit and the mouse doesn’t move for a min or so. This seems to only have started in the past couple days.

      My total system ram is 4gb and I limit my browsers to 1gb of that.

      This should go in /c/asklemmy

      Yeah, I found c/lemmy_support and now I hear of c/asklemmy after creating this community. As I was creating c/lemmy, it would have been useful if the j/s would auto search for other groups after i typed “lemmy” and say something like “FYI these other groups already exist, is this necessary?..”

      • DessalinesA
        14 years ago

        That one doesn’t help me too much, cause it just shows the ram usage, and not the snapshot of what the site is using.

        My guess is that with single-page web apps, that for some reason chrome is not “garbage collecting” things like images, strings, etc, so a long running tab just builds as you use it more. But I can’t be sure.

        • @dirtfindrOP
          14 years ago

          It’s reproducable. I did a fresh launch and opened 3 tabs all on lemmy.ml. Performance was fine. Then I logged in and same story. The mouse struggled to move as the drive hammered away for a disruptive ~30 or so seconds. The tab that I logged through is using 123mb. The other two tabs are ~35mb.

          • DessalinesA
            14 years ago

            Hrm I can’t reproduce. Browser plug-ins?