Has something changed in the past couple days to make dev.lemmy.ml a memory hog? There was never a performance issue in the past months, but now it’s as fat as pleroma. I cannot use pleroma because of it’s absurd amount of RAM consumption.

If this doesn’t improve, does anyone know of a client app that would enable users to avoid the web app?

  • @dirtfindrOP
    14 years ago

    It’s reproducable. I did a fresh launch and opened 3 tabs all on lemmy.ml. Performance was fine. Then I logged in and same story. The mouse struggled to move as the drive hammered away for a disruptive ~30 or so seconds. The tab that I logged through is using 123mb. The other two tabs are ~35mb.

    • DessalinesA
      14 years ago

      Hrm I can’t reproduce. Browser plug-ins?