Almost everything I see from there is blatant anti-western propaganda, but since they’re the “main instance”, their sheer volume overwhelms some parts. Such as Sopuli’s community->all -view.

Or am I just in the wrong place myself and I should just vanish back to reddit?

  • QuentinCallaghanM
    62 years ago

    As is a big instance with lots of users and communities, Sopuli would lose lots of discussion by defederating from it. I’d leave it up to Sopuli’s users whether to discuss in the instance’s communities or not. This isn’t a situation where an instance as a whole is toxic (like with and The “main instance” has certainly propagandist anti-western actors, and I have banned several of them. As suggests, banning those actors is enough, and the users can of course use blocking.

    Or am I just in the wrong place myself and I should just vanish back to reddit?

    Not at all, this kind of issue has been in the air for some time. There is no need to go back to Reddit!